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One of the more extraordinary figures being unashamedly trumpeted by the Western media and political establishment in the hysteria of early 2020 was that there would be 500 million deaths.

The WHO has calculated that in the end vaccines saved only 20 million lives and therefore around 1/350th, and 0.29%, of the world’s population. Even adding this to the 7 million overall deaths, that is a hypothetical 27 million deaths and therefore roughly 1/280th, and 0.36%, of the world’s population rather than the 7% global death rate being predicted (500 million deaths) that was scaled down to around 3-4% as a ‘lethal’ virus.


This meant the Covid vaccine did not even save 10% of the more than 200 million hypothetical deaths at a 3-4% death rate used to justify and legitimise locking down for to manufacture while 2.2 billion people, at over 25% of the global population, are unvaccinated and over 200 million hypothetical deaths are still unaccounted for.


Covid was therefore 10% as fatal as predicted (roughly 250 million deaths) and less than 1% of the world died, and only 10% of the world even got infected with at worst an estimated 96% chance of surviving that scaled up to 99.6% overall in reality. 

So why were human beings driven so mad by the fear of a mild virus that is effectively the level of a cold or at worst the flu that they willingly gave up all freedoms in the blink of an eye to live like agrophobic hypochondriacs and become addicted to perennial vaccines to survive?

Most importantly just why did the US irrationally cast off liberalism to ironically assume Marxism without a moment’s hesitation and pressure the whole world into doing so too also? 


From a geopolitical perspective the United States had two very clear objectives since 2016; the removal of Donald Trump from political office as fast as possible by any means necessary and the overthrow of the Chinese Government either through political revolution or the crashing of the Chinese Economy which would rupture its political legitimacy. 

In the most extraordinary example of a coincidence, 2020 was Donald Trump’s re-election year.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​He was blamed for not locking down fast enough and for effectively being the only global political leader (other than Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson, other striking political casualties of Covid, and whom the latter led the global re-opening in early 2021 to end the hypocritical and insane strategy of 'zero-Covid' that the West embraced with remorseless hysterical zeal in surely modern history's great societal moment of madness) who vocally opposed the fear of Covid and even went as far as stating he did not believe in being forced to wear a face-mask in everyday life like a surgeon, doctor, or nurse.


If the Democrats were in government, and Hillary Clinton was seeking re-election, would there really have been the same hysteria?


Covid outbroke in China and initially Xi Jinping was hesitant to race into the strategy of the Sars outbreak of 2003. The US was relatively relentless in its criticism and calls for China to lockdown to prevent the global spread of Covid.


While no-one forced Xi to lockdown, and frankly it is hard to imagine Mao doing so and not possessing the necessary courage and self-confidence to stand up to the US and CIA, if Covid had outbroke in India would there really have been the same drama (in comparison to for example the Zika Virus) or dare even the US (in comparison to swine flu)?


When Sars even outbroke in China in 2003 there was not the same paranoia. While social media was a trojan horse for the US to whip up fear perhaps not witnessed in Modern History, it is striking the difference in attitude of the US to China then versus now knowing the CCP will never voluntarily give up power and oversee reform of China into a liberal democracy and particularly now not respect the ‘Open Door’ policy of US capitalism to dominate its domestic market.

The Covid Curtain created a very convenient global schism where the Chinese and the US have been able to directly avoid confrontation and the importance of the Magnificent Seven has never been greater to the point the global stock market has become dangerously dependent and over-reliant for their continued investment support which drove over 50% of the S&P 500's gains in 2024 and who account for around 33% of index market capitalisation.


The UK, Japan, and Europe indices are at relative all-time highs on the stock market despite barely achieving 1% annual GDP growth and it is clear that they have just been riding the Nasdaq and Nvidia’s coattails at best and at worse are now held hostage to its fortunes.


Judgment Day is now about to arrive on the Western Indices as the American Recession and the true bear market arrives where the NASDAQ will push levels potentially of even 10,000 and Nvidia $40. Chinese GDP is still growing annually at double the US', at a roughly 6% yearly average in comparison to under 3% for the US, and remains on course to surpass the US for global economic GDP leadership before the end of this decade and was on course for even 2025 before Covid.

What there will still be from Covid is a global economic crash, likely in 2025, and what has certainly also already occurred is an almighty global economic slowdown, decades-high inflation around the world, and a war between Russia and Ukraine.


To say Xi has had political rings run around him by the US and the CIA in the last few years is an understatement (crystallised by America lifting its international Covid controls fully only after China belatedly reopened while Taiwan, the great liberal democratic rival, paradoxically did not lockdown).


Having naively drank in the Western Covid Kool-Aid that was modern history’s new opium, just how will China therefore escape the US’ clutches and even avoid World War Three?


The answer lies in reinvigorating the Belt and Road because the world is on the line and the gloves came off quite some time ago and the Great Storm is coming.


The $100 billion Forest City is being constructed in Malaysia, the $20 billion New Cairo will become the world's most advanced city by 2050, whilst Indonesia, with its own $30 billion new capital being constructed in Borneo, now has 350 km/h High-Speed Rail between Jakarta and Bandung.

This time the Chinese are closer enough in economic GDP to potentially directly assume economic leadership out of the coming Western Recession, that will regardless be modern history’s great watershed when the dye was fatally cast on American (and Western) leadership and the world returned to the ancient leadership of the Chinese and Asia with the Digital Silk Road producing globalisation 2.0 and the likes of India (future 2nd largest economy by 2075), Indonesia (4th), Pakistan (6th), Nigeria (5th), Egypt (7th), Brazil, and Mexico (top 10) leading a wider vanguard of the Rise of the Rest.

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